Powering Clear, Confident Endocrine Decisions
We value the accomplishments you bring to the field of endocrine medicine, and we strive to provide the answers you need to deliver quality care to your patients.
We are your source for advancing health.
Disease States

How Labcorp Can Help
Patient Resources
Access to our endocrine experts
Info Sheets & More:
NAFLD & NASH Testing in Diabetes Patients
NAFLD & NASH Testing in PCOS Patients
NASH & NAFLD Testing
Diabetes Autoimmune Profile
Labcorp recognizes the specialized needs of endocrinology customers.
We are proud to provide a direct hotline (877-436-3056) for endocrine-related questions or technical consultations.
Questions about these diseases or testing options? Can't find the information you're looking for? Fill out the form below to be contacted by a member of our scientific team or your local sales representative.